July 15, 2011

40 Worst Dressed Cities in America

GQ Magazine ~ The 40 Worst Dressed Cities in America and many would agree other may just be a bit more combative about the list.  Whooz Who pointed highlighted cities GQ deemed the Worst! Here what GQ had to say:

Atlanta is the Mecca of the promotional T-shirt. Everyone is a CEO or founder of a record label or a clothing line you'd have never heard of if it weren't plastered in size 96 Helvetica font on their chest. The pleats in Atlantan's pants are deeper than the Chocolate Rain kid's voice and their blazers look like hand-me-downs, because they are hand-me-downs. In the A, there is nothing wrong with wearing uncle Ned's seersucker suit to the shindig in October—fit, be damned.—Mark Anthony Green

                                           Miami @ #9                    Detroit @ #31

Everybody wants to go to ATLANTA and its all smoke and mirrors. Making on the worst dress city in America says a lot for the city to be so popular. Looks like there is work to be done so listen to Posh.  Its okay to pick up a magazine thats what they are made for. You can also check out Whooz Who new tab HOT/NOT label to stay up on the latest fashion. 

Remember Posh Knows Best ~ Posh



  1. Those girls don't live anywhere near Detroit !

  2. those girls are from miami ding bat...

  3. sad.. Atlanta OMG
