This Diva Porsha Ryshell, is currently living in her hometown Manhattan, NY. The self proclaimed "Monster Goddess" goes by the life motto "Be who you want to be, not what others want to see." Living life as she sees fit for her dreams brings a vibe that reads: Loud, Colorful, Open, Full, & Ready! With a fierce personality, it's easy for this Diva to transform.
ReplyDeleteWait this is a man?
ReplyDeleteShe don't look like that ... especially these days! The girls would often find images of what they would aspire to look like or can vaguely pass as with obscurity . ..Fast forward 10yrs later, you'll find her hanging in an hourly motel in the outskirts of NYC with ONE tit and very short hair merely an image of what she once looked like. Unforeseen downfall-tina!
ReplyDeletePorsha ryshell made life worth it