July 23, 2011

You Just Got Let Go!

Have you ever had a friend that everything that you do she takes it negative and finds something wrong with it?  I think I am experiencing this now.

We have been friends for about 5 or 6 years and have one of those relationships that when you need to call someone up and talk other than your everyday friends you call her.  Over the past 2 years things has changed in her life drastically and now she is even more distant than she was before.  The part that's even worst is that she relates everything to something negative.  Not only is it with me but with life, her career, partner, other friendships, cars people drive, food, cities, children, anything you name she has something negative to say about the subject.

I value my friendships, so I usually deal with a lot before I just let it go.  For this particular person I'm there, you just got let go! Flushed down this $75,000 blinged out toilet.  Im letting you go because you are not my "FRIEND" your bitter and angry at life and maybe should try church or therapy.  FYI - Sex is also a relief!
"When people talk about you,  I don't agree, participate or encourage it.  I ask them to not do that in my presence."  All the people in my life know that loyalty and respect is a big deal for me.  If i have two friends that don't care for one another, they don't talk about the matter negatively in my presence for the respect of our friendship and I would do the same for them and their friendships.

"Posh walks around like she's all that and better than people because she has this and that; but she has issues like everyone else."  Yes, it got back to me.  So after I flush you by posting this blog don't say nothing else to me. Yes, Posh is all that and more.  Hell I'm relevant and good at everything I do! Why be mad at that? Find your nitch and execute it don't be mad and jealous, it not a good look. I prayed about this and I have nothing to be angry or sad about for letting you go.

My decision is simply from the questions I asked myself:
1. What is the benefits of this friendship?
2. What do I stand to lose by walking away?


*Knowing that you said this about me, don't say nothing else to me, Get It ~ Got It ~ Good!

 ~ Posh


  1. i have a friend like this hoe

  2. Get it~Got it~Good hahah!...she sounds like a hater...
