July 28, 2011

Trina Responds To Prego Rumors

According to hiphopstan,com 

Trina wrote:
STOP it with the fucking rumors enuff already!! I am NOT pregnant!!!! Wtfffffff! Why do people believe anything they hear!!! Fuck outta here. Can’t please everyone.. If I lose weight it’s something “dammn u done got too small and lost ya a$$” if I gain weight it’s “I’m pregnant.” Leave me the FUCK alone… I’m extremely HAPPY!!! And thats what matters! #thatsall BYE!!! And the sad thing is those that leave the most disrespectful comments.. How about look i’n the mirror and see WTF do u look like… Stop looking at old recycled pics of me and even new ones that may not be the best shots and assuming shit! Get a fucking life.. #shiteaters. Mo Money… Mo food… I’m eating so fuck u starving ass “non muthafuckn factors.” To whom it may concern, I am my own woman, make my own money, pay my own bills… Don’t ask anybody for shit so therefore FUCK off!!!
I will NOT ever be 100 pounds.. So if that’s what y’all want #killyoself I have and will always be a woman with curves! And I LOVE them… I DO not take diet pills or any other crash diets to lose weight! I work out like normal people so if I gain a few pounds so FUCKIN what!!! Every woman is NOT suppose to look like a dammn broomstick! I’m very comfortable i’n my own skin with all my curves and assests! #thanksmom. I DON’T give a shit about no blogs or none of u HATERS!! I’m so important i’n your eyes that’s the reason u take the time to talk shit! Now back to what’s important!! *presses play on bey cd  and turns the volume up* #kissmyentirea$$ all of it!!!!!!!!!

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